12 Skulptur Kreatif Hasil Daur Ulang,Cek Gan...

Posted by lihatberita | Pada : 10:29 AM

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1.Robert Bradford creates these life-size and larger-than-life sculptures of humans and animals from discarded plastic items, mainly toys but also other colourful plastic bits and pieces, such as combs and buttons, brushes and parts of clothes pegs. In 2002, he started to consider his children's forgotten toys as parts of something bigger. Some of the sculptures contain pieces from up to 3,000 toys and are sold for US$19,000.

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2.Artist Stuart Murdoch replicated the Clifton Suspension Bridge using recycled Coke cans. No word yet if anyone has tried to cross the bridge.

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3."Broken Family" by Anthony Haywood, uses all the household waste to construct an elephant.

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4.It's a giant skull made from recycled kitchen utensils. The sculpture was crafted by Indian artist Subodh Gupta.

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5.Sculpture made from recycled watches and clocks, by Michael Roberts.

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6.London Zoo's Recycled Sculpture exhibit showcases 20 works, like this plastic bag sculpture of a polar bear.

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7.Korean artist Jean Shin created this sculpture "Sound Wave" (2007) out of melted vinyl records to connote "the inevitable waves of technology that render each successive generation of recordable media obsolete." Her sculpture and othersmade from recycled materials are part of The Museum of Art and Design's exhibit "Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary."

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8.Artist Nick Sayers created this piece above called “To Live”, a shelter created from scrap real estate signs designed to create a statement about homelessness and sustainable building. Nick's recycled art is on display at The Lightbox in Woking, Surrey until January 2009.

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9.Water Bird sculpture at the London Wetlands Centre. Recycled from ITV Fixers Plastic Bag.

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10.The world of art is buzzing with new ideas for recycling products. The latest addition to this is the Wood And Wire Bird created from scraps of iron, cotton striping, shoe strings, wood, aluminum, glass and paper. This magnificent piece of art is the brainchild of Alabama Chanin, and is available for $735.

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11.Another sculpture made from vinyl records.

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12.He's seven meters tall and weighs three metric tons. He is WEEE Man! This sculpture stands at the Eden Project in Cornwall, after his debut at the South Bank in London. The British Royal Society of Arts had WEEE Man built out of discarded electronic components and household appliances to symbolize how much of this material each person contributes to environmental waste.


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